Monday, November 7, 2011

How to continue...

I seem to have hit a very tall wall that is blocking me from completion of this project. I have some ideas about how to circumvent it but I still feel as though I am playing that childhood bear hunt game. You know: "goin on a bear hunt, gonna catch a bear. Came to a river. Can't go over it, can't go around it, can't go under it. Guess we'll have to go through it." Or something to that effect. I feel as though I have now come to a wall and I can't go over, under, or around it. Guess I'll just have to persevere and go through it. My projects from Part 1 are doing well, I hope to finish them soon. My part 2 is still in the works. I have yet to come up with an efficient means of granting the wish. I think I might do something of a survey and include questions about whether or not they are open to corniness and the like. I'm wondering if it might almost be better for me to choose my subjects randomly rather than them being someone I know very well. I think that I will pray about it and ask God what He thinks I should do. I know that I will get an answer from Him. My parents taught my siblings and I from a very young age that God answers all prayers and requests for help. It may not be when or how we want it but He always answers. Since I have embarked upon this project I think that it's stressfullness has brought me closer to God and made me less afraid to show my faith. My mother and my older brother are my shining examples on sharing faith. I've always had a hard time with it. This project though, is making me look at things differently. My youth group frequently helps those who are going through hard times but I never thought that I could personally make a difference in someone's life. I don't know why; I saw the young men at our church complete countless eagle projects that were just the acts of one person to help another or others. I think that this project has become a catalyst for my growth; like I was just waiting to be woken up from the deep sleep I had placed myself in these past few years.
I hope that this entry wasn't to boring. I think I just really needed to reflect on how I had changed and not just how I was changing others. Until next time...

Jessie Jane

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