Tuesday, November 1, 2011


As my title implies there have been some issues faced today. We managed to shoot our part three bit and we wanted to include the video that I had been sent. Unfortunately, we couldn't transfer it off the DVD and into a format we could work with. Sad panda. Also the video from the camera wouldn't transfer in video format but only in the form of a jpeg. Not helpful. We're working to overcome these roadblocks and we are still hoping to make our deadline. Hoping being the operative word.
On a happier note. I finally have everything I need to do the Joy project. My viking finally has footwear and is almost completely finished. My painting is still in the sketching phase but I hope to finish sketching tonight and start painting tomorrow. My story is still conceptual but I hope to at least begin to flesh it out and polish it tomorrow.
This project has been very interesting for me. There are several times when I have had to step way out of my comfort zone and I think this is helping me to grow as much as if not more than the project itself. I hope that my readers have enjoyed the journey I've been taking as much as I have. Sometimes it's hard to change yourself (correction it's almost always hard) but I found that if I continue forward knowing that things will work out then I ultimately grow more from the experience than if I was constantly wondering at success. I hope that statement made at least a little bit of sense.
So my part 2 is begining to look interesting. In this portion we are supposed to teach a group of people (large or small) to have a travelling mindset. I think what I will do is ask some of my friends to tell me one place they've always wanted to go and what they wanted to do there. Then I get to be a good fairy granting their wish (most likely in a cheesy but endearing way) for a day or two. This project is somewhat based on a portion of the storyline of the movie "A Walk To Remember." The part I'm talking about is when Landon goes about fulfilling all of his girlfriend's wishes that she wanted to accomplish before she died of the cancer that had been plagueing her. I want to be Landon for a day. I want to fulfill those wishes and take my friends to the place they've always wanted to go. I haven't got all the kinks worked out but hopefully it will all be figured out by tomorrow. Hopefully. (*eeh*)
This is me signing off from blogging for the day. Have a wonderful night and I'll talk to ya tomorrow!

Jessie Jane

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