Monday, October 31, 2011

So, yeah...

My sincerest apologies for not blogging yesterday. It seems that I have a difficult time remembering to do this on Sundays as that is a day I generally reserve for simply spending time with my family. Anyway so I have a rough storyline completed for the Work piece and the viking now haws a bit more armor on. He also has a nearly completed spear that he will be able to hold in his hand. My watercolor is almost completely sketched out and I hope to begin painting today (*fingers crossed*). I'm still working on modge podge gatheringness which I hope to complete before I leave school TODAY!! Now that my report is complete, I can get into the soul searching a little.
I found an interesting quote that has nothing to do with any of my projects but that I would like to share. It was made by a character in a book that I read this weekend and talked about how people get into difficult situations because of curiostiy but it is their being to proud to ask for assistance out of the mire that keeps them from getting out of trouble. I think that I am sometimes that person. I dig myself into a ditch so deep that it is impossible for me to escape on my own yet I insist that I do not need any help in changing my circumstances. I feel like in my project I have to admit that I can't do everything on my own when I go looking for quotes for my modge podge, ask for advice on viking armor from my brother, ask my mom for help in getting my priorities in line, ask a teacher's opinion on the most pleasing way to arrange an object in a painting, and even when I get my inspiration for a story from an episode of a favorite TV show and many science fiction movies and books. The truth is, I know that I can't do things on my own. I know that sometimes I need help. The problem is:  I have trouble admiting when I am wrong.
You may have noticed that my picture for this blog reads "I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong". For a long time this was what I let people think that I thought of myself. I thought it was a good image. But then, my Freshman year of high school, I felt that I was putting on a different mask for every situation that I found myself in. Even at home I wasn't my true self. I could never just let go. So, as I and my siblings have done at various points throughout all of our lives, I went to my parents. I talked to them about what I was feeling. I admited that I was wrong and that I needed help. My mom told  me that I should do some serious soul-searching and find what parts of each persona that I adopted were really me and which parts were just me pretending so that I would fit in (which I never really have anyway and now that's OK with me; I still have friends and they like me for me). Today I think I will change my picture so something a little less pompous and see if that helps me to look for the me I should be everyday and to remind me that God is always there to hear my problems and will never deny me help that I request. I want to say that I really do love being in school. I love my family. I love church. I even love my job. I also love that there are people who love me who are willing to help me as soon as I overcome my pride and request their help. I encourage my readers (though I may not know you) to take up this call to ask for help when we need it and not sink down into a mire that is so deep that we fear there is no hope. But there is hope. All you have to do, is ask for it.

Jessie Jane

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