Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And it goes on and on and on...

So today I faced one of my biggest fears: talking to grown-ups about something serious. GAH!!!! Today I talked to three different teachers (two of which I had never met) and our school principal. The topic: part three of this project. Me and two other girls in my class (Lydia and Shanyah) came up with the idea to make presentation to our student body to raise awareness about the homeless population in our area and then hold a coat and/or scarf and/or blanket drive. CONTEXT!! The basic idea of part 3 was to find some way to assist the homeless population in our area. Well, that's not gonna happen. After talking to the various people listed above a new plan was decided. We would still give a presentation but it would be through Channel One and we wouldn't have to go out and find our own data from homeless people but could rather use resources already obtained by an organization at our school that was already in existence. Also instead of holding our own drive we could help support our schools DECA organization and encourage donations to their coat drive. Yay DECA!! So I still need to talk to the school social worker to present our case and see if we could assist with another program that's trying to get off the ground at our school that would also help with our goal of helping the homeless.
So, progress on part 2:
I now have pictures of the work in progress that is each of the projects with the exception of the piece of writing:

So hopefully the pictures speak for themselves if you have followed my blog thus far. I will be starting my painting (picture number 6) today after school and I will be starting the family project (pictures 1&2) when I get home today. Talk to ya more tomorrow!!

Jessie Jane

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