Friday, October 28, 2011

Going up the hill...

So in my excitement to share my good news of yesterday with the world, I forgot to complete an assignment given to my by my teacher yesterday. He requested that we state how a poem that we read in class relates to our project. The poem was "Courage" by Anne Sexton and this is how it relates to my work. One of the first lines is about the little things in life. Well, I have a whole subproject devoted to that. I believe that what the author is trying to tell us is that it is those small events in your everyday life that ultimately give you the courage to continue forward and get up every morning. Also she talks about how what many would call courage is not courage at all but pure love. It is love for me to put my family first in all things (although sometimes it takes a lot of courage to go against what others would say would be the right choice to make between family and that great other thing that I just HAVE to do). It is courage for me to decide to do five different art projects and complete them in less than a week's time when I would normally do them at a much slower pace. This is how the poem connects to my current work. With my work to come, however, there is more. In the poem the author describes a buddy saving the narrator's life and losing his own in the process. I am losing myself into the job of helping to save those who are homeless. I will always be me but I will be a better and stronger me for what I am doing with and for these people.
With my projects:

  • As I said last night I have completed the Family project
  • I'm about half-done with the Choices/Honor project
  • I have the Faith project roughly sketched out and will clean up the sketch and begin painting tomorrow
  • I am still collecting quotes and things for the Joy in the Little Things project
  • I think I finally have a vague storyline for the Work project. It involves bad choices, good choices, and a time machine. I hope it works out. (*fingers crossed*)
That's about all I have except that I will be beginning Part 2 of the project on Monday and will explain more about what I'm going to do with that at a later date which is not today. Also I finally got to actually look at what my sources have sent to me and I am very happy because one sent me a video (haven't gotten to watch it yet but am very excited to see) and another sent me stats, graphs, and tables (I was infinitely ecstatic because I rather have a fondness for those kinds of things). I hope to begin the script for our presentation very soon. Blog ya later!

Jessie Jane

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