Sunday, October 23, 2011

The End of Research now on to Developement...

My sincerest apologies for not giving an entry yesterday. The time just got away from me. So as promised I have determined my crafts and the values they are to be matched with:
Value: Choices have Consequences/ Honor- I chose this one because everyday before we leave the house my mother always tells my siblings and I "Be Honorable and make Good Choices." Even though I have been told that everyday of my life, I seem to have neglected to adhere to it's meaning. I have made some choices that were neither good nor honorable and they were big mistakes. I have tried to correct them but the temptation to mess up is always there and I know it will be easier for me to remember if I have something solid to remind me everyday. Which leads me to my medium for this value...
Craft: Worked Wood- I chose wood because it has always spoken very strongly to me and because it is solid and hard but warm and welcoming at the same time. It also kind of reminds me of my parents who are solid and always there for me when I mess up.

Value: Family First- This value is one that has always been very important in my life but has become less so in recent times. Since I entered high school I have heeded the council that family must always come first, less and less. This is rather disappointing to me but true all the same. I caught myself up in the dazzling aura of school so much that I forgot what has been most dazzling to me all my life: my family.
Craft: Plastic Canvas- I chose this medium because I am well versed in its versatility and it also reminds me of my family. Plastic Canvas is unique in that you can throw it around, turn it every which way, turn it upside down and inside out, but until you physically cut it apart, it will remain with you in the form you gave it. This is like my family because no matter how much I ignore them and try to push them away, they are still there when I need them the most (and when I think that I definitely don't need them)

Value: Taking Joy in the little things- this is a value that has not seen my blog until today. I came across it when I finally gave in and looked to my childhood journal for inspiration in this quest of self-improvement. I have kept this journal for over 10 years (that it still isn't full should tell you how faithful I've been in chronicling my life up to this point) and I noticed that several of my entries were devoted simply to things I was thankful for having. I was astonished at some of the simple little things I had taken great joy in recording that I was thankful for.
Craft: Modge Podge- I chose this medium because since I discovered this value in my journal I thought it should recieve the recognition it is due in the form of incorporating copied pages from it into the project itself. Modge podge also doesn't require thoughts to be in perfect order which my journaled thought most certainly are not so I thought it was perfect for this value.

Value: Faith- I chose this value because it used to be such a big part of who I was and now it has somehow become less important to me. When confronted with opposition to my religion I shrink away somewhat and try to fade into the background where as a child I used to daydream of days when I could stand up for what I knew was right. I want to have that conviction once more.
Craft: Painting (I hope)- The I hope comes from that I am not a very good painter but it seemed that such an elegant topic (yet still simple) required an equally elegant medium. I decided that a painting would be the most appropriate representation of what I want my faith to be like again.

Value: Work (Hard and Honest)- This value was chosen because while I firmly believe that work is important I feel that I have lost the zest I once had for doing work myself. It has now become a heavy burden on my life that I seek only to ease. In my religion we believe that parents are responsible for teaching their children how to work. Well, my parents did that very well but apparently I have since decided to throw out much of what my parents taught me when I was young.
Craft: Writing- I decided to write something that would teach people about doing work and help remind me what true and honest work is.

That's all that I have for right now. Hopefully bu tomorrow I will have possible designs for my projects. Until tomorrow..

Jessie Jane

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