Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm walking on sunshine...

Today was full of good news and lots of development.

  • The community activist got back to me and he also sent my email to others who could help and several of them answered my request for information. YAY!!! I think our group may just be able to pull this off. 
  • I finally finished my first project. Here are some pictures:

This is the progression of this project  into the finished product. I'm rather happy with how it turned out. Each word is in a different color and those colors are significant. Family is in bright yellow because your family should be the brightest part of your life. Religion is in a varigated teal, blue, white, and purple because this particular thread reminded me of a similar one with which my brother created a God's Eye for our Christmas tree, you can see the parallel. School is in blue because my school's colors are blue and white. Work is in red because I work as a lifeguard and red is one of our chief colors. Last, Miscellaneous is in varigated green because I wanted the green to show wisdom in putting it last and the varigated to show that it is in constant change and flux.
Well that's about all I have. I wasn't able to really begin any of the other projects concretely but I have almost the entirety of all materials necessary for each project (I was missing some poetry and quotations for the Joy in the Little Things project). Anyway, there's not much else to say but goodbye!

Jessie Jane

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