Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In the beginning...

So this blog is to be devoted to a project for my TAG class at school. This project is separated into three parts. Parts 1 & 2 are each two weeks long and Part 3 is to be a constant undercurrent during this month-long project. This first posting will be devoted to my plan for accomplishing Part 1. Our instructions for Part 1 are to "embark in a two week long intense, personal, and meaningful self-improvement project." As always my teacher has made our instructions incredibly open-ended. The basic idea for this part is to find some part of yourself that you want to make better, make a plan to accomplish it, and accomplish it within the two-week period given for this portion of the assignment. I decided that I wanted to reconnect with how I saw things as a child through the creation of various pieces of art utilizing methods that I learned a long time ago which I haven't used because I've allowed other things to get in the way.
My Plan:

  1. Determine five ideals that I held as a child but either no longer hold for some unfathomable reason or still hold them but have forgotten them
  2. Determine five kinds of art-form or handwork that I used to love as a kid or even not that long ago.
  3. Make each ideal into a piece of art using a different art form for each one
  4. Make the art MEANINGFUL!!!!!! 
  5. Display this art in my room to help remind me what I should be holding dear in my life that I have maybe forgotten due to my allowance of other intrusions from day to day.
  6. Take pictures/do some video of the art displayed and the processes that conceived them and make a scrapbook with the pictures so that even when the art has faded proof will remain that it existed and I can visit it later in my life when I maybe forget these things again or when others have forgotten them and should be reminded.
  7. These pictures and videos will be posted here as I formulate what ideals and art I want to use, complete each piece of work and even some of when they're still in the process of being created :).

Jessie Jane

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