Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Plan(s)

Plan for Part 2

  1. choose person
    1. friend of mine that is a freshman and rather high strung and really needs a break from reality
  2. Find out places where she has always wanted to go and things she has always wanted to do
    1. not sure on those yet but I think I will just ask her to list them and I'm fairly certain it will be a long list
  3. Make a "Create Your Own Adventure" book of sorts wherein she can travel anywhere she has always wanted to go and do things she has always wanted to do as well as some places and things that I feel would be beneficial to her personal wellbeing.
    1. got this idea from a comment made by my teacher and I think it will ultimately work well
  4. Give her the book and let the magic begin
    1. Knowing her, depending on how long the book actually is, it could keep her entertained and adventurous for months if not years.
I think that this will ultimately turn out rather well as soon as I can obtain my base data and do research from there (sorry but I just don't know enough about the world to make a book of any sort without first researching my subject matter, I'm not that good at coming up with things off the top of my head.)

Plan for Part 3
This is where it gets a bit sticky in my opinion.
  1. Gather information on the homeless population of St. Joseph
    1. accomplished that and actually rather had an influx of information including a video
  2. Create a presentation to educate the student body about the homeless that they never see or choose not to see everyday
    1. chose to incorporate the video that we received during the information gathering phase (with all necessary credit given to its creators)
  3. Show the presentation via Channel One to the entirety of the high school
    1. this would work out really well if we could only get technology to cooperate
So to solve the technological issue we made a plan to shoot and edit with software we knew was functional and go from there. The only problem now is getting schedules to mesh into something that can be cohesive and well done.

Jessie Jane

1 comment:

  1. P.S. You can expect a reflection on these two parts as I finalize them and am able to figure out just how I've felt about them.
