Saturday, November 5, 2011

Something Accomplished!

Today I finally finished two of the my four remaining pieces for part one. Yay!! Here's how they turned out:
His arm actually crooks back to hold his sword. Also, fun fact, above the waist everything in his wardrobe is able to be detached but below the waist it is forever a part of him. 

This one may undergo some additional tweaking but this is the general idea of it.

I felt very accomplished when I had completed these pieces. I really enjoyed them and I especially enjoyed how a project that was supposed to be wood-working ended up being leather-working instead. I think the viking's base might undergo some tweaks but the model itself is complete. I have decided that the leather speaks just as strongly as the wood would have to me. In my mind leather can get beat up, tossed around, used abominably but still be there and still be strong. I think that choices are like how we treat our armor and we have to make good choices in order to keep it strong. We also have to have the honor to wear it in the first place and leave it on. In the Bible (I'm uncertain as to the exact location) there's a scripture that talks about putting on the whole armor of God. I think that instead of calling this piece something to the effect of "Honor and Choices" I will call it "Armor of God." I don't know if you can tell from the picture but on the leather I used modge podge in some random spots to create the effect of wear and tear. I know that I have made some choices in my life that were not the best. That's why my armor is a bit beat up. But it isn't in tatters and I still have it on, which means that I still remember to ask God for His protection in all my daily doings. It is a viking because that is part of my heritage. In the stories that my mother told me as a child, the vikings were always honorable and they valued this above all things. I want to be like my ancestors and hold honor as a high thing in my life because sometimes I allow it to fall by the wayside.
With the modge podge I think that I will call it "The Little Things". I intentionally put copies of some of my journal entries from when I was little. I was quite astonished at how bad my spelling and grammar was but I realize that I still got my point across. I used to journal what I was feeling and I used it as a place to (generally) express my happiness. A few years back in my journal from now I discovered that, for a while, I only wrote about events and not really how I felt about them. I think that with this piece hanging on my wall, I will better remember to journal and that life is not just about events; it's also about taking joy in those events.

Part 2 report:
I have decided that I will only do two people. I don't think that I need to do a large group of people for this portion of the project. I feel like that will limit both me and the effect that I can have. The more people I do this with, the less I think it will mean to them. I am probably going to ask my best friend and someone else whom I have not yet decided upon. I think, though, that my criteria will be someone who needs a vacation from their life, even if it's just for a few minutes, to help them cope with everything that life throws at them. Basically I want to use someone who needs to travel and I want to show them how to travel without ever leaving their chair. I'm not sure how I plan to do this yet but I will accomplish it somehow.

Part 3 report:
There's really not much to report in this area other than that I am still attempting to work through our technical difficulties so that we can move forward with this arena.

I think that's all that I have for now. I'll let you know of any more progress that I make! See ya!!

Jessie Jane

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